Lupus and Fatigue
“For some, tired is not just a destination at the end of a hard day or an irritating pit stop between activities, it’s a perpetual state of being.” The above quote was written in The Insatiable Tiredness I Feel by Kristiana Page. (Read her article here: ) I recently had a friend ask me what the “tired” part of my lupus is like. I had to think about it and fumble for awhile. For something that is such a constant in my disease, I would think it would be easier to describe. Maybe it’s so hard to describe because it’s something I always feel. I even have my own classifications for my levels of tired. But even trying to describe THOSE could get quite tricky. So let me try to start with a broader grasp of the fatigue involved with SLE. I’ve done a ton of research for this post. One of the questions I set out asking has how many “Lupies” (that’s one of my favorite terms for us lupus war...