Day 3 Check In
Oooookie day. That hurt. A lot. On Wednesday, the dentist took out the two teeth farthest in the back on the bottom right. That actually went fairly well. The numbing stuff worked instantly, the teeth came out pretty easily. And the pain wasn't intolerable. I should have known it couldn't last. Yesterday was not quite so nice and easy. She took out the back two on the top on the right. The first one was mostly ok. It was almost down to nothing in my mouth so she had to wiggle and push to get a purchase point on it. But it came out. However....the next one was an asshole. The root was SUPER long. She had to wiggle and pull and twist. Apply MORE of the numby stuff. Wiggle, pull, twist. Numby stuff. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. You get the picture. She had to put so much numby stuff in my mouth that she couldn't put any more. And towards the end of pulling the roots out of my eyeball (or so it seemed) the numby stuff just wasn't enough. Man,...